NW Electronics Design
& Manufacturing Expo


NW Electronics Design & Manufacturing Expo
October 18, 2023, 9:00 AM–4:00 PM

Tektronix Conference Center
Building 38
3025 SW Zworykin Ave
Beaverton, OR 97124


The purpose of the Northwest Electronics Design & Manufacturing Exposition (formerly OctoberBest, referred to as “NEDME”), is to bring together members of the local high tech industry in a fun atmosphere. The purpose of NEDME is to introduce and network local Northwest suppliers of services and products for electronics manufacturing, as well as learn the latest in electronics manufacturing technology at the technical sessions. Exhibitors are restricted to individuals or corporations with either a representative or a base of operation in the Northwest (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and western Canada). Exhibitors having only lay interest, or not of specific interest to those engaged in the field, will not be permitted.


Two general booth spaces are available: Mini Booths are 8’ x 8’ and rental is $650 per booth; Standard Booths are 8’ x 10’ and rental is $750 per booth. Payment in full must be submitted either online or must accompany the signed and completed Exhibitor Application Form, available at register.nedme.com/register/exhibit/. Paid rental includes a 40-word company description and 1 logo in the show guide.

Special sponsorships are offered—see www.nedme.com/sponsor/ for details.

An exhibitor can share booth space with another authorized business if the additional business(es). Fees and restrictions:


Wednesday, October 18, 2023, 9:00 AM–4:00 PM. Technical and keynote sessions will be available.


This application, properly executed by the applicant, shall, upon written acceptance and notification of booth(s) assigned by the Expo Exhibit Committee of NEDME constitute a valid binding contract.


The exhibit area will be available for set up the day prior to the Expo, i.e. Tuesday, October 17, 2023, Noon–4:00 PM. All exhibits must be ready to exhibit prior to 4:00 PM this day. Dismantling must not begin until after 4:00 PM following the end of the event. Any exhibitor dismantling before 4:00 PM will not be allowed to exhibit next year.


Do not forward freight directly to the Tektronix Facility, Tektronix Company or facility manager as there is no accommodation for this. Exhibitors may deliver their own equipment directly to the exhibit booth on Tuesday, October 17, 2023.


Exhibitors may use the drop off area to unload exhibit materials. All exhibitor vehicles must be moved to the designated exhibitor parking.


If an exhibitor must cancel space already contracted, the following refunds are available:

Cancellation notices must be written and signed by the appropriate company official and submitted to the NEDME Chairperson. Space assigned to an exhibitor may be transferred by the Exhibition Committee to affect balance against congestion, to avoid confusion in firm names, to solve competitive conditions, or similar reasons. An exhibitor can sublet space to another party only with the Exhibition Committee’s prior approval.


Audience quality control is extremely important and accordingly the following rules on admission will be enforced:


The conference will provide each booth with the following:


All applicable laws and regulations must be strictly observed. Combustible decorations cannot be used in any manner by an exhibitor. The exhibitor is restricted to use of materials which would pass fire inspection. Aisles and fire exits cannot be blocked by exhibits. Power access is provided for only basic devices.


Loud displays will not be permitted. In their own best interest, and for security, exhibitors will be required to keep an attendant in their booth(s) during all open hours. No exhibit may be dismantled prior to the exhibition closing, nor may any part of the exhibit or equipment be removed once it has been set up. All exhibits, back walls, and decorations will be limited to 8’ wide x 10’ tall. Permission to exhibit equipment with abnormal heights or that are larger in size must be obtained from the Exhibition Committee.


NEDME, Tektronix and their officers, employees, agents, or representatives will not assume or otherwise be responsible for any injury, loss, or damage to the exhibitor, the exhibitor’s officers, employees, agents or representatives, or their property, however caused. In addition, the exhibitor must assume responsibility for damage to the Tektronix property and indemnify and hold harmless Tektronix and NEDME for all liability that might arise out of the exhibit activities, whether or not such liability includes the sole or joint negligence of the sponsor from any cause whatsoever, including property damage, accidents, or injuries to exhibitors, their agents and employees, or to any member of the general public. All wiring on booths or display fixtures must meet UL rules and standard fire department inspection. This applies to booth construction only, and not pre-wired equipment; the latter should be carefully checked to see that it conforms to standard electrical requirements and, as in the case of booth wiring or display fixtures, does not overload rated electric outlets. The Exhibit Committee and the sponsor will not be responsible for delays, damage, loss, increased costs, or other unfavorable conditions caused by any means whatsoever. Nothing shall be posted on, tacked, nailed, screwed or otherwise attached to columns, walls, floors or other parts or the exhibit area or furniture. Exhibitors violating this regulation are expressly bound at their expense to repair damage to property which they may cause.


NEDME management reserves the right to make any reasonable changes in the rules necessary to insure the health and safety of those in attendance, the significance of the show and harmony of exhibition operation. All exhibitors will be advised as such.