NW Electronics Design
& Manufacturing Expo

Floor Plan

301 Screaming Ci r cuits 801 T TI, Inc. 802 Temco No r thwest 601 Out of the B o x Mfg 612 NW Test Solutions 412 Klinger IGI 312 Elect r onic Component Sales 602 designPO R T 401GrovTecMachining 701 302 ASC Suns t one 402 702 303 403 603 703 803 304 404 604 704 804 305 405CascadeSystemsTechnology 605 705 805 306 406 606 706 806 307 407 607 707 807 308 408Datest 608 708 808 309 409 609 709 809 310 410 610 710 810 311 411 611 711 811 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 313 213 413 613 513 712 812 Regular 10×10 Booth Premium/Sponsor 10×10 Booth Gold Sponsor Ent r ance 102 P o r tland State Ae r ospace Society